Be yourself...everyone else is already taken`!

Hi , welcome to my online diary :)`! I hope you enjoy it and follow me but if you don't , you can go(there is no need of harsh comments) . Enjoy living 'cause it's the best thing you can do for youself !

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miercuri, 29 august 2012 | 08:54 | 2 comments
Fighting Oppa !

Hey Hey `!! Summer it's almost ready and I hate it , srsly I didn't do anything interesting !! But the last day will be awsm I swear .
I just watched a TV show with B2st and like always I loved it , they had to fulfill another people's wishes and it was really cute, funny and awwwww :3 . I watch a lot of TV shows too and I think this is very good for us(fans) 'cause we can see our biases other sides + these shows are VERY funny keke~.. and I am always sad when I finish one of them :'3. Well of course it's always a possibility that they can act all this time while filming the show but mniah you can never knowwww unfortunately >< . Eihh I'm one of those who till when I see it with my eyes I don't believe they are bad or enything else ^^ .I saw recently a post on all kpop which said that Gikwang(B2ST) doesn't think he's very popular . Aigoooo...Don't say things like this oppa please!!
There are a lot of stars like this and I'm really pissed when they are saying this !! My dream is to be a singer , live in Korea ,do cute and funny shows and other things like you , have REAL fans who show me so much love and support LIKE YOU , travel in different countries and met them , talk with them etc and there is no clear chance that I'll be doing this in future so you're really lucky that you can do what you're doing :) ... I know that you all have a very big schedule and it's hard to be a trainee and a famous person too but I think it's worth it !! And I think it is more awsm 'cause you're honest so you don't have to worry oppa ...If you are happy with what you're doing and have REAL fans , it's enough !! .........And 'cause of this I decided my bias in B2st keke~...yeah you're one of my biases and I'm gonna show you a lot of love even if you can't see this or my love I'll be here supporting you with other millions of fans *huggie* . Be strong , happy and trust in yourself oppa !! ♥♥^_^ ♥♥

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