Be yourself...everyone else is already taken`!

Hi , welcome to my online diary :)`! I hope you enjoy it and follow me but if you don't , you can go(there is no need of harsh comments) . Enjoy living 'cause it's the best thing you can do for youself !

Follow @rissa_lkphtt (-^▽^-)

vineri, 31 august 2012 | 13:24 | 2 comments
Last day of summer ^^ (pics)

Hello there`! Today is the last day of summer so me and one of my best friends, Anutsa, stayed out from 8am till 8pm and we did a lot of funny and NEW things !! (*゜▽゜ノノ゛☆ 
 We went to enroll into a music and dancing school , walked everywhere we usually walk(our legs hurt so much)  , had an awsm "experiment" , went into nice shops , at my mom restaurant (where she works -I love to go there 'cause she has young co-workers if you know what I mean kekekeke~), sent  something to someone special , destroyed a pin kekeke~ (yeah Anutsa made an WEIRD pin and we destroyed it outside LOL ..strange people) , we walked our STONE dog (you'll understand what I mean when you'll see the vid ) and we shot everything so others can see too how STRANGE we are rofl ..No we did this 'cause we knew we will have fun so we wanted to save all these memories (ε) . But I'm gonna post tomorrow the vids.

PICS from today ^^

Love you !!

Have a nice day (゜▽、゜) !!

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